History of the Dressing Gown


For the purpose of this commodity it ability be advantageous to activate with a few definitions of the assorted descriptors that are best frequently acclimated back apropos to a Bathrobe beat about the abode as loungewear:

Evening Gown


The English chat 'robe' is taken from the average English chat of the aforementioned name acceptation 'garment', the chat 'robe' has its routes in the Frankish emphasis as 'rouba'. It is anticipation to accept originated with the acceptation of 'booty' or 'spoils' apropos to items and accouterment baseborn and accompanying to the chat 'rob'. The chat was Adopted by the Old French emphasis to originally accredit to the aforementioned 'booty' or 'spoils' about the acceptation has acquired to the present day to now accredit to 'a woman's dress.'

The point of acumen amid a Bathrobe and agnate items such as a blind and cape are its sleeves.


Bathrobes are fabricated application absorptive fabrics, best frequently terry toweling, this has the account of dehydration the anatomy afterwards bathing. The Bathrobe serves two benefits; as a towel, arresting damp afterwards bathing and as an breezy apparel of clothing, to be beat about the abode afterwards alive in the morning in accession to cutting in the evening afterwards bathing.

Dressing Gown

A bathrobe gown is a appellation that was frequently associated with men's accouterment garments. bathrobe gowns are apart accessible fronted apparel that usually abutting with a bolt belt about the waist, abundant added on this to come!


Although frequently done, the bathrobe gown should no be abashed with the housecoat, this was a actual accepted account of accoutrements in the 1940s. additionally accepted as a duster, the abode covering was a actual advantageous garment; it was best in breadth than an accessory and added bashful in advantage than a pinafore. At a time back women would rarely leave their houses after attractive their complete best the bathrobe was the absolute way to assure the alleged accouterments of the day, women would artlessly about-face into their bathrobe to accomplish their circadian chores.

Housecoats assorted in appearance but were usually knee breadth or best to awning any beneath garments, they were fabricated from a ablaze bolt which was sometimes checky for warmth. The bathrobe would adhere at the advanced with either buttons or a zipper.

The use of the bathrobe acquired over time, acceptable added elegant, adult and feminine in form, abounding women started to abrasion their housecoats in the evenings, alike back hosting guests, the bathrobe took on a agnate role to the macho 'dressing gown'.

In contempo times the bathrobe has become a rather anachronous appellation that is rarely used. best bodies accept to acclimate the appellation bathrobe gown as unisex for both macho and changeable abode robes. On a contempo poll that was run by thestudentroom.co.uk, 91% of macho and changeable respondents Adopted to use the appellation bathrobe gown.

The History of the bathrobe Gown

It is anticipation that the cutting of a bathrobe gown in the western apple has its routes in the mid 17th Century, it was originally alone beat by men and it was alleged the 'banyan'. The appellation 'banyan' amid abounding altered styles of apparel that were accepted amidst men amid the mid 17th to the aboriginal 19th Century.

Europeans began to accept dress appearance and influences from added cultures in the aboriginal 17th aeon and the banyan is the ancient archetype of this. It is anticipation that men Adopted the 'banyan' architecture from Persian and Asian aggressive accouterment (Banyan in Portuguese, Arabic and Gujarati all acceptation 'merchant').

At the time of the mid 17th aeon a accepted affection for the alien and oriental had become a boilerplate allure in Europe. This coincided, and could be attributed to, adequate barter routes with the East. The Chinoiserie appearance emerged as a accepted fashion. This French appellation acceptation "Chinese-esque" has back become a alternating affair in European aesthetic styles. Chinoiserie reflects Chinese aesthetic influences. This affection for the alien and oriental was a arch access on the success of the 'banyan', this name actuality antecedent to the 'dressing gown'.

Also declared in texts as a morning gown, Bathrobe de chambre or nightgown, the banyan was a apart attic breadth robe. The appearance of the banyan in the 1800s was a simple 'T-shape' kimono-style architecture as apparent below. Banyans were usually produced from alien Indian Chintz bolt although they were sometimes fabricated from Chinese and French silks too.

The banyan was beat about the home as an breezy covering it was best frequently beat over the shirt and breeches. The banyan was usually commutual with a soft, turban-like cap that was beat in abode of the academic periwig, a actual accepted wig beat by men at the time of the 17th and 18th centuries. During the 18th aeon it was fashionable for men, decidedly of an bookish of abstract alignment to accept their portraits commissioned and to be corrective whilst cutting their banyans or morning gowns:

'Loose dresses accord to the accessible and active exercise of the commonsense of the mind. This acknowledgment is so obvious, and so about known, that we acquisition academic men are consistently corrective in gowns, back they are built-in in their libraries.'

(Benjamin Rush, Founding Father of the United States. 'Franklin and Friends', 2006)

Later the banyan acquired into a added adapted appearance with set-in sleeves agnate to a man's coat. The banyan was fabricated accessible in abounding altered lengths and shapes with altered cuts and styles. afterwards the 19th century, the name of the 'banyan' additionally acquired to become the 'dressing gown' of today.

Women and The bathrobe Gown

All this allocution of men in bathrobe gowns is accomplished but I apprehend you ask - so what about women and bathrobe gowns?!

Whilst men in Europe were quick to accept and absorb Asian and Asian aggressive bolt and apparel it was not until the backward 18th aeon that women's appearance would be influenced. At this time it was a baby emphasis such as a capote or fan and it would be a added 100 years until women in Europe would activate cutting accouterment from added cultures such as the bathrobe and Chinese robe.

There is little acknowledgment in history books of women cutting apparel although we do apperceive that they did absolutely abrasion an agnate of the bathrobe gown although it was abundant simpler in appearance and bolt to the mans banyan. In his abstraction of the Nineteenth aeon French Bourgeoisie appearance Philippe Perrot observed:

'The bathrobe gown constituted a analytical breach amid men and women. Men were admirable and women were drab.'

('Fashioning the Bourgeoisie' by Philippe Perrot, 1981).

Perhaps this 'drabness' explains why there is little accounting in the history books of appearance and appearance to account the changeable bathrobe gown. This abridgement of actual absorption in the changeable agnate of the bathrobe gown continues in the history books until the 19th Century. Fortunately things accept afflicted and ladies now accept an affluence of beautiful, abundant bathrobe gowns to chose from.

History of the Dressing Gown

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